
Vasanth (Aari) is a craftsman who is dealing with an anecdote about 'Mayavanam', a spooky backwoods. On his companion's birthday, he recounts a story including 'Maya', a pernicious soul. He enlightens him regarding how one encounters chills and witnesses a soul plummeting on them when one says "Maya! your little girl isn't with me" multiple times. To disparage Vasanth, the companion says similar multiple times, and a comparative figure goes into the room. He falls back in dread, yet the figure uncovers itself as his significant other; it's simply a birthday shock. The following day, Vasanth shows the photos taken by him during the spruced up Maya's entrance to his chief, Ram Prasad (Amzath Khan) and Madan (Uday Mahesh), the scene author on Mayavanam. Slam brings up a smoky structure close to them and cautions him of it. He enlightens him concerning a book, Asylum by Kate, that subtleties the life of the intellectually sick who were constrained into shelters and tested upon. Madhan at that point describes the tale of one such prisoner, a lady named Maya Matthews, who was taken to the refuge in the wake of killing her significant other and compelled to surrender her infant girl to the experts in the haven. She tumbles to her demise from the structure, with a costly ring reputed to be on her body, and is covered in the grounds of the refuge (Mayavanam), where it is trusted her wrathful soul presently wanders. Afterward, Madhan and Vasanth's companion—an auto driver—visits Mayavanam to expound on his last scene. Madhan vanishes, and subsequent to getting away from Mayavanam by one way or another, Vasanth's companion meets with a terrible demise soon, by tumbling off the structure much the same as Maya, which prods Vasanth to set out on an examination concerning Mayavanam. 

In exchanging scenes, Apsara (Nayanthara) is a single parent battling to get by working in promotion films. She is isolated from her significant other Arjun who is an entertainer, and lives with her companion Swathi (Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli) who works at a film creation house, RK Studios. After a banner of the film, Irul, that Swathi is at present working on is put on to the dividers of the house, Apsara encounters peculiar things occurring inside the house. She doesn't really think about to it since she is constantly distracted by the advance that she has taken from a nearby hoodlum. He continues visiting her home requesting money and she continues putting it off by saying that the check she has been qualified for, in the wake of acting in another promotion film beforehand, continues skipping off. In disappointment, she goes to visit the promotion organization where she discovers that the maker has gone to partake in the challenge orchestrated by Swathi's organization. The challenge is a limited time promotion for Irul, in which hopefuls are granted ₹5 lakh on the off chance that they prevail with regards to viewing the thriller alone around evening time without giving indications of dismay. She gets an auto and goes to the studio. The scenes are substituted with Vasanth going to Mayavanam and the advertisement film maker watching the film. When she arrives at the studio, the maker is dead and is taken on a cot towards the emergency vehicle. The head of Irul had seen the unusual demise of the promotion film maker while watching the film, however asserted to the police it was a coronary episode. 

All lost and her being genuinely tormented by the cash loan specialist, Apsara chooses to watch Irul, to make a decent living. Swathi implores her not to, dreading for Apsara's life and in anticipation of the chief sponsorship her up, she requests to him as well, however the chief backings Apsara despite the fact that he realizes what could happen later on. The film begins to play, and it is uncovered that Vasanth's side of story is the film Irul. As Apsara keeps on watching, she is mysteriously transported into the film. Slam and Kate, the creator, is appeared to make a man delve into the grounds of Mayavanam, looking for the costly ring that Maya was said that passed on with. Vasanth gets captured by Kate and is held at weapon point while they look for the ring. Apsara gets captured as well, and when they at last discover Maya's casket, a figure supposedly appears behind Kate and Ram, and crap hits the fan. Before long Apsara and Vasanth get isolated from the gathering, and are pursued by the phantom. They fall into a major discard and Vasanth encourages her out, while he remains in. She flees and hears a child's cry. She goes looking for it, when she gets shot by Shankar. In the wake of tumbling down, she is held by Maya who shouts out in unpleasant wrath and executes Shankar. It is then uncovered that Maya is Apsara's mom. She awakens in the theater, with her mom's journal on her lap, and the doll, which Maya had brought for her infant. It is later uncovered that the individual who played Vasanth in the film is Arjun himself and maker of the promotion film who passed on before, was the person who sent Maya to the haven and took her ring. 

The last scene shows Apsara rejoined with her significant other and now acting in a movie about Maya coordinated by a similar chief as Irul. As the shooting begins, the principal scene being Maya sitting in a wheelchair, Arjun discovers Apsara remaining in a corner while everybody was expecting that she was the one sitting in the wheelchair. The movie closes with the soul Maya executing the chief and Maya's ring dropping out of his pocket. After that Maya turns around and the screen cuts dark.
